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Tuesday, 8 March 2011

:: Anatomy of a true friend ::


I just scrutinized one of my notebook that i kept since 2005 and suddenly i found some meaningful words...i forgot where i got these words but i remember that i wrote it on 1st April 2005 *the date was noted in that page actually :))* 

So, here it is....i type back in here to share with all my beloved readers...
Janji Kepaniteraan Koass FKUI August 2009


Eyes : will always see you for the way you really are, your true self..

Ears : will always have them open to listen..

Mouth : to always tell you the truth and give their opinion, tell you mess up or do something good..

Shoulders : will offer when you need one to cry on and will be your strength when you find it hard to carry yourself...will always let you lean on them..

Heart : to love you for who you are and not judge..will always have a place there for you..

Hands : to hold yours when you need a little lend when you need hel and to help you up when you fall down..

Arms : will always make you feel comfortable in them and to offer hugs when you need one..will try to warm when you are cold..

Feet : to walk with you throughout your life and be the best friend they can be..

P/s : it is nice right if we can apply all these with our FRIENDS especially our buddies....may my friendship with all my friends will last forever and always under Allah's blessings...ameen :D

Holidays with my housemates at Paris Van Java *Bandung, Indonesia*

Me and my housesisters during Eidul Fitri in Jakarta, 
September 2010

 Sending one of my dearest sister to Aussie

Buddies since millenium 2000
Wisudawan Sarjana Kedokteran FKUI August 2010


~Dr. Berry~

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